Thursday, May 30, 2019

Just a Troll Post

In Which a Task Long Dreaded Turned Out Easier than Expected

I've mentioned several times that I had no idea what to do with the Journeys in Middle Earth troll model.  The skin would have to be different from any that I've done before, and I was intimidated by that..

Well, a YouTube painter who goes by the name of "Sorastro" recently put out his guide on painting this model.  I didn't really follow his guide, but it gave me enough inspiration to jump in and try some stuff.  In the end, it turned out to be a fun model to paint, and it was very quick to do since most of the model is the same flesh.

The skin tone didn't really turn out the way I was going for.  That being said, I like how it ended up.  One of the things I experimented with after watching Sorastro's video was mixing in some tonal variations.  There is a bit of red mixed into some of the facial areas, and some green mixed into the occasional shadow.  These are hopefully subtle, but I think they add to the visual interest of the model in a way that I don't think most people would notice.

I almost screwed up his left foot.  I have no idea how it happened, but there was a big smear of basing paste over it.  I caught it just as it started to dry.  I was able to clean most of it off, but there is still some residue if you look closely.  But hey, a troll walking around barefoot is going to get some mud on his feet, right?

I probably overdid the blood effects on his hammer, but it isn't so bad as to go back and redo it.

Now, on to the last two minis, then I can work on a different project...

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